We gather for prayer every Sunday @ 9:30 am, with our worship service @ 10:30 am. We would love for you to join us!

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Elders (Pastors)


Tim grew up in the church but was not converted until the age of 27 after years of rebellion. Since then, the Lord has given him a desire to see others grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and their love for the Lord. He and his wife Sherri have been married for 14 years, and Sherri is our Women’s Ministry Director and one of our lead singers. Tim has his Masters in Biblical Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary in Oviedo. On May 16th, 2016, he accepted the call to become the pastor of Grace Fellowship after years of decline. Since then, the Lord has been faithful to bless the consistent expository ministry, preaching through Galatians, 1 Peter, The Sermon on the Mount, many of the Psalms, Colossians, John, Mark, Proverbs, and now our current series in the Pastorals.

As Senior Pastor, Tim is our vocational pastor and leads primarily in vision, teaching, and preaching, having an early desire for Grace Fellowship to be a people who T.E.L.L. We know that Lord uniquely placed him in Sanford at this time to theologically and pastorally lead this congregation. Tim is humbled to use his gifts in service to Christ and His bride. There have been many ups and downs, but now, by God’s grace, there has been a spiritual and numerical revitalization into a thriving congregation that loves the Lord, His Word, and His people. This was accomplished through the Spirit’s work through preaching, evangelism, discipleship, and in instituting elders and deacons, all in submitting our faith and practice to the holy Scriptures. All Glory to God! Pastor Tim’s testimony


Jesse Allen grew up in the church and, as a born leader, has served in many leadership roles in previous churches. From the moment he and his family joined Grace Fellowship, they were committed and was recognized early on as a qualified and capable leader. He showed great care and concern for his responsibilities. On October 20, 2019, the members of Grace Fellowship, in full agreement, installed Jesse as Pastor.

As Executive Pastor, he has brought his practical, business, and fatherly experience to our body. Jesse leads in organization, administration, finance, and family ministries. While these areas are natural for him, his knowledge of the Word and his love for the body is what has most impressed our members. He is respected for his wise counsel and patient shepherding in many areas of church life. His wife Christy invests in many of the women and children of our body, as well as planning and executing the meals for our Wednesday night Bible Study. Their three children, Dillon, Gemma, and Mason, are always growing in the Lord and joyfully serve as well. 

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Brett grew up in a strong Christian home, and married the daughter of a pastor. He has served in various capacities in several churches, including eldership for 12 years (PCA). He and his wife Kimberly have a heart for hospitality and service. Brett's experience in the corporate and the ministry world brings administrative and leadership gifts to the elders, as well as his passion for for teaching and discipleship. On November 12th, 2022, the members of Grace Fellowship in full agreement, installed Brett as Pastor.

The body has already recognized his pastoral heart and concern for the physical and spiritual needs of the church. We look forward to developing his oversight and shepherding gifts among the elders in the coming months. Brett and Kimberley have two adult children, Cassidy and Jackson who is married to Martha.

All Three Elders (2)