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Archives for December 2019

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More on Baptism from Colossians 2:12

The reason I am addressing this above other topics we’ve covered in the book is that this issue is probably the most common question I am asked as a pastor, and the most common debate I have had within church, school, family etc... If you want a detailed explanation of what Grace Fellowship believes and why we practice what we do, please keep reading. If you don’t want...

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God's Word Does Not Submit to Us

One of the most amazing things about new life in Christ is that He redeems all of us, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions, our personalities so that we are ourselves, but we are not our old selves. Yet, He does not redeem us all at once, and not completely in this life anyway....

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On the Holy Spirit

Jesus dedicated much of the last night of His ministry to teaching on the Holy Spirit (John 14-16), but in most Christian traditions the Holy Spirit is either neglected or abused. Often, because of the mystery associated with the Spirit and maybe out fear of presumption, many traditions avoid teaching adequately on the Spirit in favor of more seemingly concrete theological...

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